Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wise Wednesday: Guilty Pleasures

Chvrches, a band I adore, was recently quoted as saying "We don't believe in guilty pleasures. Like what you want to like." That struck a huge chord in me. I so admire people who have unique hobbies and interests, things I may not be into, but I think they're so cool for standing by what they love. So why are people so hesitant to do that-and not only hobbies, but opinions too?  We have a right to our own opinions, and possessing different ones doesn't mean you need to revile the person. Chocolate is not a guilty pleasure. ABC Family shows are not guilty pleasures. Knitting is not a guilty pleasure. eat it watch them do it and OWN IT. Own who you are. Be you fully. Don't tailor your opinions for others, and I know I do that. ...I may despise something but if I'm talking to someone I admire who loves it, all of a sudden I hear myself saying "Oh they have some redeeming qualities...yeah they're not so bad". STOP THAT. The right people will respect your opinions, as long as you can back them up.

Some of my "guilty pleasures..."

online shopping

 online shopping for things I can't afford

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